Latest sighting
Many-plume Moth
- 000401.004 White-line Pollen-moth - Micropterix aruncella
- 000501.005 Plain Pollen-moth - Micropterix calthella*
- 000602.001 Common Spring Jewel - Dyseriocrania subpurpurella*
- 001403.005 Ghost Moth - Hepialus humuli (Female)
- 001403.005 Ghost Moth - Hepialus humuli (Male)
- 001503.001 Orange Swift - Triodia sylvina (Male)
- 001503.001 Orange Swift - Triodia sylvina (Female)
- 001703.002 Common Swift - Korscheltellus lupulina
- 001803.003 Map-winged Swift - Korscheltellus fusconebulosa (Male)
- 001803.003 Map-winged Swift - Korscheltellus fusconebulosa (Female)
- 001803.003 Map-winged Swift - Korscheltellus fusconebulosa f. gallicus
- 0019x04.072x Nepticulidae agg. - Nepticulidae agg.
- 002004.076 Sycamore Seed Dot - Ectoedemia decentella*
- 0021-2204.074-75 Norway Maple/Maple Seed Dot - Ectoedemia sericopeza/ louisella
- 0038-3904.090-091 Broken-barred Oak Dot/White-spot Dot - Ectoedemia subbimaculella/heringi*
- 007004.038 Willow Pigmy - Stigmella obliquella
- 007304.039 Three-spot Dot - Stigmella trimaculella*
- 007804.053 Grey Apple Dot - Stigmella incognitella
- 0084x04.060x Red-headed Dot agg. - Stigmella ruficapitella agg.
- 012310.001 Oak Blotch-miner - Tischeria ekebladella
- 012510.003 Bramble Blotch-miner - Coptotriche marginea
- 013008.002 Feathered Cutter - Incurvaria masculella (Female)
- 013008.002 Feathered Cutter - Incurvaria masculella (Male)*
- 013809.006 Birch Gall Moth - Lampronia fuscatella
- 014007.015 Large Longhorn - Nematopogon swammerdamella
- 014107.012 Sandy Longhorn - Nematopogon schwarziellus*
- 014507.005 Small Scabious Longhorn - Nemophora minimella*
- 014607.003 Copper-tip Longhorn - Nemophora cupriacella*
- 014807.001 Yellow-banded Longhorn - Nemophora degeerella (Female)
- 014807.001 Yellow-banded Longhorn - Nemophora degeerella (Male)
- 015007.006 Green Longhorn - Adela reaumurella (Female)*
- 015007.006 Green Longhorn - Adela reaumurella (Male)*
- 015107.008 Lesser Banded Longhorn - Adela croesella*
- 015207.010 Meadow Longhorn - Cauchas rufimitrella*
- 015307.009 Speedwell Longhorn - Cauchas fibulella*
- 015406.003 Oak Cutter - Heliozela sericiella*
- 016150.002 Leopard Moth - Zeuzera pyrina
- 016354.002 Forester - Adscita statices*
- 016454.003 Cistus Forester - Adscita geryon*
- 016554.001 Scarce Forester - Jordanita globulariae*
- 016954.008 Six-spot Burnet - Zygaena filipendulae
- 017054.010 Five-Spot Burnet - Zygaena trifolii
- 017154.009 Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet - Zygaena lonicerae
- 017254.004 Transparent Burnet - Zygaena purpuralis sabulosa
- 017353.001 Festoon - Apoda limacodes
- 017511.002 White-speckled Smoke - Narycia duplicella
- 018611.012 Common Sweep (Bagworm) - Psyche casta*
- 019612.010 Great Fungus Moth - Morophaga choragella*
- 020012.048 Common Fern Moth - Psychoides filicivora*
- 021612.016 Cork Moth - Nemapogon cloacella*
- 022412.012 Brindled Fungus Moth - Triaxomera parasitella*
- 0227-2812.036-37 Skin/Carrion Moth - Monopis laevigella/weaverella
- 0229-3012.038-39 Yellow-backed Detritus Moth/Pale-backed Detritus Moth - Monopis obviella/crocicapitella
- 022912.038 Yellow-backed Detritus Moth - Monopsis obviella
- 023012.039 Pale-backed Detritus Moth - Monopis crocicapitella
- 023412.025 Tapestry Moth - Trichophaga tapetzella
- 023612.026 Common Clothes Moth - Tineola bisselliella
- 023712.034 Brown-dotted Nest Moth - Niditinea fuscella
- 024012.027 Case-bearing Clothes Moth - Tinea pellionella
- 024612.032 Orange-tipped Nest Moth - Tinea semifulvella*
- 024712.033 Triple-spotted Nest Moth - Tinea trinotella
- 025421.004 Laburnum Leaf Miner - Leucoptera laburnella
- 026221.002 Blackthorn Blister Moth - Lyonetia prunifoliella
- 026321.001 Apple Leaf Miner - Lyonetia clerkella
- 026321.001 Apple Leaf Miner - Lyonetia clerkella (melanic)
- 026424.001 Bindweed Sleeper - Bedellia somnulentella*
- 026614.002 Daisy Tuft - Bucculatrix nigricomella*
- 027114.007 Elm Tuft - Bucculatrix albedinella*
- 027314.009 Lime Tuft - Bucculatrix thoracella*
- 027414.010 Oak Tuft - Bucculatrix ulmella*
- 027514.012 Hawthorn Tuft - Bucculatrix bechsteinella*
- 027614.013 Birch Tuft - Bucculatrix demaryella*
- 028015.002 Privet Stilt - Caloptilia cuculipennella*
- 0280x15.002x Caloptilia agg.
- 0282-8315.004-05 Alder Stilt/Birch Stilt - Caloptilia elongella/betulicola*
- 028415.006 Rufous Stilt - Caloptilia rufipennella*
- 028515.007 Azalea Leaf Miner - Caloptilia azaleella
- 0286-8715.008-09 Oak Stilt/Shaded Oak Stilt - Caloptilia alchimiella/robustella
- 028715.009 Shaded Oak Stilt - Caloptilia robustella*
- 028815.010 Willow Stilt - Caloptilia stigmatella
- 029015.012 Maple Stilt - Caloptilia semifascia (Summer)
- 029015.012 Maple Stilt - Caloptilia semifascia (Autumn)
- 029115.013 Scarce Maple Stilt - Caloptilia hemidactylella*
- 029315.014 Garden Stilt - Gracillaria syringella
- 029415.015 Ribwort Stilt - Aspilapteryx tringipennella
- 029615.017 White-marked Stilt - Calybites phasianipennella*
- 029915.001 Clover Stilt - Parectopa ononidis*
- 0300x15.024x Parornix agg. - Parornix agg.
- 030115.025 Birch Parornix - Parornix betulae*
- 030515.030 Rowan Paronix - Parornix scoticella*
- 031015.022 Apple Nymph - Callisto denticulella*
- 031315.019 Oak Cloud - Acrocercops brongniardella*
- 032015.039 Common Oak Leaf-miner - Phyllonorycter quercifoliella*
- 032115.040 Ilex Leaf-miner - Phyllonorycter messaniella
- 032415.044 Rowan Leaf-miner - Phyllonorycter sorbi*
- 032615.046 Brown Apple Leaf-miner - Phyllonorycter blancardella*
- 033215.052 Hawthorn Leaf Miner - Phyllonorycter corylifoliella*
- 0332a15.053 Firethorn Leaf Miner - Phyllonorycter leucographella
- 033615.057 Goat Willow Leaf-miner - Phyllonorycter dubitella*
- 034115.063 Beech Leaf-miner - Phyllonorycter maestingella*
- 034215.064 Nut Leaf Blister Moth - Phyllonorycter coryli
- 035315.075 Common Birch Leaf-miner - Phyllonorycter ulmifoliella*
- 035415.076 Honeysuckle Leaf-miner - Phyllonorycter emberizaepenella*
- 035615.078 Elm Leaf-miner - Phyllonorycter tristrigella*
- 035915.081 Hazel leaf-miner - Phyllonorycter nicellii*
- 036015.082 Shining Alder Leaf-miner - Phyllonorycter klemannella*
- 036115.083 Banded Honeysuckle Leaf-miner - Phyllonorycter trifasciella
- 036215.084 Maple Leaf-miner - Phyllonorycter acerifoliella*
- 036315.085 Norway Maple Leaf-miner - Phyllonorycter joannisi
- 036415.086 Sycamore Leaf-miner - Phyllonorycter geniculella*
- 0366a15.089 Horse-chestnut Leaf-miner - Cameraria ohridella
- 036815.092 Poplar Maze-miner - Phyllocnistis unipunctella*
- 037152.003 Lunar Hornet Moth - Sesia bembeciformis
- 037452.012 Yellow-legged Clearwing - Synanthedon vespiformis
- 037852.010 Orange-tailed Clearwing - Synanthedon andrenaeformis
- 037952.011 Red-belted Clearwing - Synanthedon myopaeformis
- 037952.011 Red-belted Clearwing - Synanthedon myopaeformis (Female)
- 038548.001 Nettle-tap - Anthophila fabriciana
- 038648.005 Beautiful Twitcher - Tebenna micalis*
- 038948.007 Apple Leaf Skeletonizer - Choreutis pariana*
- 039119.007 Cocksfoot Moth - Glyphipterix simpliciella*
- 039419.006 Woodland Sedge-moth - Glyphipterix forsterella*
- 039619.003 Woodrush Moth - Glyphipterix fuscoviridella*
- 039719.002 Eyed Rush Moth - Glyphipterix thrasonella*
- 0409a20.005 Triple-barred Tip Moth - Argyresthia trifasciata
- 0409b20.007 Cypress Tip Moth - Argyresthia cupressella
- 041020.011 Gold W - Argyresthia brockeella
- 041020.011 Gold W - Argyresthia brockeella (Unicolorous)*
- 041120.012 Brassy Y - Argyresthia goedartella
- 041120.012 Brassy Y - Argyresthia goedartella f. literella*
- 041220.013 Sallow Tip Moth - Argyresthia pygmaeella*
- 041520.016 Speckled Tip Moth - Argyresthia retinella*
- 041620.017 Oak Bark Moth - Argyresthia glaucinella
- 041720.018 Blackthorn Tip Moth - Argyresthia spinosella*
- 042020.021 Cherry Fruit Moth - Argyresthia pruniella*
- 042120.022 Hawthorn Tip Moth - Argyresthia bonnetella*
- 042220.023 Dark Blackthorn Tip Moth - Argyresthia albistria*
- 042320.024 Beech Tip Moth - Argyresthia semitestacella*
- 042416.001 Bird-cherry Ermine - Yponomeuta evonymella
- 042516.002 Orchard Ermine - Yponomeuta padella
- 0425x16.002x Ermine sp. - Yponomeuta padella/malinellus/cagnagella
- 042616.003 Apple Ermine - Yponomeuta Malinellus
- 042716.004 Spindle Ermine - Yponomeuta cagnagella
- 042916.006 Scarce Spindle Ermine - Yponomeuta irrorella*
- 043016.007 Black-tipped Ermine - Yponomeuta plumbella
- 043116.008 Orpine Ermine - Yponomeuta sedella*
- 043516.010 Ash Spinner - Zelleria hepariella*
- 0435a16.011 Olive Spinner - Zelleria oleastrella*
- 043816.017 Copper-fringed Drab - Swammerdamia Pyrella*
- 044016.019 White-headed Drab - Paraswammerdamia albicapitella
- 044116.020 Hawthorn Drab - Pareaswammerdamia nebulella*
- 044316.022 Barred Needle-miner - Cedestis subfasciella*
- 044516.024 Plain Needle-miner - Ocnerostoma friesei*
- 0448a22.003 Cryptic Ash Bud Moth - Prays ruficeps*
- 044922.002 Ash Bud Moth - Prays fraxinella*
- 0449b22.005 London Stowaway - Prays peregrina*
- 0449c22.004 Olive Stowaway - Prays oleae
- 045025.001 Hawthorn Moth - Scythropia crataegella
- 045117.001 Spindle Moth - Ypsolopha mucronella*
- 045317.003 Honeysuckle Moth - Ypsolopha dentella
- 045517.005 Tufted Scallop - Ypsolopha scabrella*
- 046017.010 White-shouldered Ochre - Ypsolopha parenthesella
- 046117.011 Varied Ochre - Ypsolopha ustella*
- 046418.001 Diamond-back Moth - Plutella xylostella
- 046518.003 Streaked Diamond-back - Plutella porrectella
- 046918.007 White-barred Pointer - Eidophasia messingiella*
- 047219.010 Fleabane Moth - Digitivalva pulicariae*
- 047319.011 Leek Moth - Acrolepiopsis assectella
- 047619.014 Speckled Bittersweet Moth - Acrolepia autumnitella
- 048347.005 Common Ridge-back - Epermenia chaerophyllella
- 048546.001 Blackberry Skeletoniser - Schreckensteinia festaliella
- 048737.002 Stitchwort Flower Moth - Coleophora lutarea*
- 0487x37.002x Coleophora SPP
- 049137.006 Rose Case-bearer - Coleophora gryphipennella*
- 049337.015 Common Case-bearer - Coleophora serratella
- 0494x37.014x Blackthorn Case-bearer agg. - Coleophora coracipennella agg.
- 051537.032 White-legged Case-bearer - Coleophora albitarsella*
- 051637.033 Melilot Case-bearer - Coleophora trifolii
- 051737.035 Clover Case-bearer - Coleophora alcyonipennella*
- 051837.048 Clothed Case-bearer - Coleophora mayrella*
- 051937.046 Purple-shot Case-bearer - Coleophora deauratella
- 052137.036 Spikenard Case-bearer - Coleophora conyzae*
- 052237.038 Woundwort Case-bearer - Coleophora lineolea
- 052337.039 Black-stigma Case-bearer - Coleophora hemerobiella*
- 053037.061 Downland Case-bearer - Coleophora lixella*
- 053337.049 Pistol Case-bearer - Coleophora anatipennella
- 054437.063 Gorse Case-bearer - Coleophora albicosta*
- 056837.086 Pale Orache Case-bearer - Coleophora versurella
- 057837.072 Wood-rush Case-bearer - Coleophora otidipennella*
- 058837.108 Glasswort Case-bearer - Coleophora salicorniae*
- 058937.107 Body-marked Case-bearer - Coleophora clypeiferella*
- 059738.025 Cock's-foot Miner - Elachista atricomella
- 060138.030 White-headed Grass-miner - Elachista albifrontella*
- 060738.037 Common Grass-miner - Elachista canapennella*
- 060838.038 Speckled Grass-miner - Elachista rufocinerea*
- 061038.004 Silver Grass-miner - Elachista argentella
- 063038.046 Cottongrass Sedge-miner - Elachista albidella
- 063138.047 Dark Meadow Grass-miner - Elachista freyerella*
- 064028.015 Lesser Tawny Crescent - Batia lunaris*
- 064228.014 Brown Bark Moth - Crassa unitella
- 0642a28.008 Italian Bark Moth - Metalampra italica*
- 064428.012 Dingy Concealer - Borkhausenia fuscescens
- 064728.010 Brown House-moth - Hofmannophila pseudospretella
- 064828.009 White-shouldered House Moth - Endrosis sarcitrella
- 064928.019 Sulphur Bark Moth - Esperia sulphurella (Male)
- 064928.019 Sulphur Bark Moth - Esperia sulphurella (Female)
- 065228.022 Hedge Beauty - Alabonia geoffrella
- 065628.024 Australian Orange-tip - Tachystola acroxantha
- 065831.001 Oak Longhorn - Carcina quercana
- 066329.001 Early Reveller - Diurnea fagella
- 067032.039 Water-dropwort Brown - Depressaria daucella*
- 067732.044 Carrot Brown - Depressaria douglasella
- 068032.045 White-spot Brown - Depressaria albipunctella
- 068832.018 Common Brindled Brown - Agonopterix heracliana*
- 069132.009 Least Brown - Agonopterix purpurea*
- 069232.015 Blackneck Buff - Agonopterix subpropinquella*
- 069532.031 Hemlock Moth - Agonopterix alstromeriana
- 069732.017 Brindled Buff - Agonopterix arenella
- 070032.028 Black-streaked Buff - Agonopterix pallorella
- 070132.007 Red-eyed Buff - Agonopterix ocellana
- 070632.030 Burnt-tip Buff - Agonopterix nervosa
- 071432.035 Coastal Buff - Agonopterix yeatiana*
- 071733.004 Scarce Bugloss Ermine - Ethmia terminella
- 071833.001 Gromwell Ermine - Ethmia dodecea
- 071933.002 Comfrey Ermine - Ethmia quadrillella*
- 072033.006 Bugloss Ermine - Ethmia bipunctella
- 072435.056 Burdock Seedhead Moth - Metzneria lappella
- 072535.055 Carline Seedhead Moth - Metzneria aestivella*
- 072635.058 Knapweed Seedhead Moth - Metzneria metzneriella
- 072735.054 Brown-veined Neb - Metzneria neuropterella*
- 072835.065 Bracken Gall Moth - Monochroa cytisella*
- 073235.080 Bronze Neb - Oxypteryx unicolorella*
- 074735.036 Orange-spotted Miner - Chrysoesthia sexguttella*
- 074835.061 Pale Seedhead Moth - Ptocheuusa paupella *
- 075235.050 Heath Elder - Aristotelia ericinella*
- 075535.160 Black V Bud Moth - Stenolechia gemmella*
- 076535.141 Black-spotted Grey - Teleiodes vulgella
- 077235.148 Elm Grey - Carpatolechia fugitivella*
- 077935.047 Dark Moss-moth - Bryotropha affinis*
- 078235.046 Grizzled Moss-moth - Bryotropha senectella*
- 078735.040 Brown Moss-moth - Bryotropha terrella*
- 078935.038 House Moss-moth - Bryotropha domestica
- 079235.093 Gorse Streak - Mirificarma mulinella*
- 0801a35.099 Cypress Gelechia - Gelechia senticetella*
- 080635.105 Black Gelechia - Gelechia nigra*
- 080835.033 Mallow Seed Moth - Platyedra subcinerea*
- 080935.032 Hollyhock Seed Moth - Pexicopia malvella*
- 081335.113 Glasswort Moth - Scrobipalpa salicorniae*
- 081435.118 Beet Moth - Scrobipalpa ocellatella*
- 081935.123 Bittersweet Moth - Scrobipalpa costella*
- 082235.109 Common Thistle Miner - Scrobipalpa acuminatella
- 0825a35.127 Tomato Leaf-miner - Tuta absoluta*
- 084135.091 White-streaked Snout - Sophronia semicostella*
- 084335.010 Vetch Moth - Aproaerema anthyllidella*
- 0857a35.0191 Maple Snout - Anarsia innoxiella*
- 085835.018 Black Rhomboid Grey - Hypatima rhomboidella*
- 086235.022 Juniper Webber - Dichomeris marginella
- 086635.028 Gorse Wanderer - Brachmia blandella*
- 086835.031 Common Zebra Moth - Helcystogramma rufescens
- 0871x27.003x Yellowneck agg. - Oegoconia agg.
- 087341.002 Common Masoner - Blastobasis adustella
- 0873a41.004 Dotted Masoner - Blastobasis vittata*
- 087441.003 Large Pale Masoner - Blastobasis lacticolella
- 0875a41.005 Black-banded Masoner - Blastobasis rebeli
- 087742.002 Alder Signaller - Stathmopoda pedella*
- 087836.001 Poplar Needle-moth - Batrachedra praeangusta*
- 088840.004 White-headed Mompha - Mompha propinquella*
- 089040.006 Obscure Mompha - Mompha jurassicella*
- 089240.008 Garden Mompha - Mompha subbistrigella
- 089340.010 Buff Mompha - Mompha epilobiella
- 0896b34.009 Pellitory Beauty - Cosmopterix pulchrimella*
- 089834.004 Bulrush Down Moth - Limnaecia phragmitella*
- 0898a34.011 Pyroderces argyrogrammos - Pyroderces argyrogrammos
- 089934.001 Violet Beauty - Pancalia leuwenhoekella*
- 090034.002 Scarce Violet Beauty - Pancalia schwarzella*
- 090339.005 Lime Flame - Chrysoclista linneella*
- 090539.001 Hawthorn Berry Moth - Blastodacna hellerella*
- 090639.002 Apple Pith Moth - Blastodacna atra*
- 0908x34.001x August/Buckthorn/Wood Cosmet - Sorhagenia agg.
- 092149.092 Fleabane Drab - Phtheochroa inopiana*
- 092349.094 Pied Buckthorn Beauty - Phtheochroa sodaliana*
- 092449.096 Small Bluebell Beauty - Hysterophora maculosana*
- 092549.095 Rugged Bryony Beauty - Phtheochroa rugosana
- 093649.097 Common Straw - Cochylimorpha straminea*
- 093749.109 Garden Straw - Agapeta hamana
- 093849.110 Bright Straw - Agapeta zoegana*
- 093849.110 Bright Straw - Agapeta zoegana f. ferrugana*
- 094549.127 Thistle Straw - Aethes cnicana*
- 094649.128 Burdock Straw - Aethes rubigana*
- 094749.120 Common Marbled Straw - Aethes smeathmanniana
- 095449.111 Dark-barred Straw - Eupoecilia angustana*
- 095449.111s Dark-barred Straw - Eupoecilia angustana f. fasciella*
- 095549.112 Vine Moth - Eupoecilia ambiguella*
- 095649.132 Chamomile Straw - Cochylidia implicitana
- 095949.129 Agrimony Straw - Cochylidia rupicola*
- 096049.142 Rusty-tipped Straw - Falseuncaria ruficiliana*
- 096249.134 Rosy Straw - Cochylis roseana*
- 096349.135 Gold-fringed Conch - Cochylis flaviciliana*
- 0964a49.138 Tawny-fronted Straw - Neocochylis molliculana*
- 096649.139 Black-fronted Straw - Cochylichroa atricapitana
- 096849.133 Birch Straw - Thyraylia nana *
- 096949.024 Chequered Fruit-tree - Pandemis corylana
- 097049.025 Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix - Pandemis cerasana
- 097149.023 White-faced Tortrix - Pandemis cinnamomeana Male)*
- 097149.023 White-faced Tortrix - Pandemis cinnamomeana (Female)*
- 097249.026 Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix - Pandemis heparana
- 097449.020 Heather Twist - Argyrotaenia ljungiana*
- 097749.013 Large Fruit-tree Tortrix - Archips podana (Female)
- 097749.013 Large Fruit-tree Tortrix - Archips podana (Male)
- 097749.013 Large Fruit-tree Tortrix - Archips podana (Male, melanic )*
- 097949.014 Brown Oak Tortrix - Archips crataegana*
- 098049.015 Variegated Golden Tortrix - Archips xylosteana (Male)*
- 098049.015 Variegated Golden Tortrix - Archips xylosteana (Female)*
- 098149.016 Rose Tortrix - Archips rosana
- 098549.030 Carnation Tortrix - Cacoecimorpha pronubana (Female)
- 098549.030 Carnation Tortrix - Cacoecimorpha pronubana (Male)
- 098649.028 Dark-barred Twist - Syndemis musculana
- 098949.031 Timothy Tortrix - Zelotherses paleana*
- 099049.032 Northern Grey Twist - Aphelia unitana
- 099249.036 Pale Twist - Clepsis rurinana
- 099349.037 Cyclamen Tortrix - Clepsis spectrana*
- 099449.038 Rufous Tortrix - Clepsis consimilana (Male)
- 099449.038 Rufous Tortrix - Clepsis consimilana (Female)
- 099849.039 Light Brown Apple Moth - Epiphyas postvittana
- 099849.039 Light Brown Apple Moth - Epiphyas postvittana (Male)
- 100049.022 Brindled Twist - Ptycholoma lecheana
- 100149.040 Orange Pine Twist - Lozotaeniodes formosana
- 100249.029 Large Ivy Tortrix - Lozotaenia forsterana
- 100649.005 Brown-barred Tortrix - Epagoge grotiana*
- 100749.009 Pale-shouldered Tortrix - Capua vulgana*
- 100849.008 Northern Reveller - Philedone gerningana (Female)*
- 100849.008 Northern Reveller - Philedone gerningana (Male)
- 101049.004 Red-barred Tortrix - Ditula angustiorana (Female)*
- 101049.004 Red-barred Tortrix - Ditula angustiorana (Male)*
- 101149.091 Yellow-spotted Tortrix - Pseudargyrotoza conwagana
- 101549.090 The Minister - Eulia ministrana
- 101649.057 Long-winged Shade - Cnephasia longana*
- 1024x49.049x Grey Tortrix agg. - Cnephasia agg.
- 102949.045 Dotted Closk - Eana osseana*
- 103049.047 Bluebell Moth - Eana incanana
- 103249.060 Yellow Oak Tortrix - Aleimma loeflingiana
- 103349.059 Green Oak Tortrix - Tortrix viridana
- 103649.062 Netted Tortrix - Acleris forsskaleana
- 103849.066 Dark-marked Tortrix - Acleris laterana*
- 1038-3949.066-65 Dark-marked Tortrix/Strawberry Tortrix - Acleris laterana/comariana
- 104149.069 Lead-coloured Tortrix - Acleris sparsana
- 104249.070 Rhomboid Tortrix - Acleris rhombana*
- 104349.078 Small Rufous Tortrix - Acleris aspersana*
- 1044-4549.083-84 Rusty Oak/Tawny Birch Tortrix - Acleris ferrugana/notana
- 104749.073 Viburnum Tortrix - Acleris schalleriana*
- 104849.077 Garden Rose Tortrix - Acleris variegana*
- 104849.077 Garden Rose Tortrix - Acleris variegana f. asperana
- 104849.077 Garden Rose Tortrix - Acleris variegana f. caeruleaoatrana
- 104849.077 Garden Rose Tortrix - Acleris variegana f. cirrana
- 104949.081 Burnet Rose Tortrix - Acleris permutana
- 105049.085 Elm Tortrix - Acleris kochiella*
- 105149.086 Pale Birch Tortrix - Acleris logiana*
- 105249.075 Dark-streaked Button - Acleris umbrana*
- 105349.080 Varied Tortrix - Acleris hastiana*
- 105449.076 Tufted Tortrix - Acleris cristana f.striana*
- 106149.087 Lichen Tortrix - Acleris literana*
- 106349.161 Barred Marble - Celypha striana
- 1064-6549.162-160 Roseate/Lakes Marble - Celypha rosaceana/rufana*
- 106749.164 Thyme Marble - Celypha cespitana*
- 106949.169 Moss Marble - Celypha aurofasciana
- 107349.172 Large Marble - Phiaris schulziana*
- 107449.174 Northern Marble - Phiaris palustrana
- 107649.166 Common Marble - Celypha lacunana
- 107949.180 Pine Marble - Piniphila bifasciana*
- 108249.157 Plum Tortrix - Hedya pruniana
- 108349.156 Marbled Orchard Tortrix - Hedya nubiferana*
- 108649.155 White-backedTortrix - Hedya salicella
- 108749.154 Dusky Marble - Orthotaenia undulana*
- 109449.151 Willow Marble - Apotomis capreana*
- 109749.186 Teasel Marble - Endothenia gentianaeana
- 1097x49.186x Teasel Marble agg. - Endothenia gentianaeana agg.
- 109849.187 Plantain Marble - Endothenia oblongana*
- 109949.188 Bordered Marble - Endothenia marginana*
- 1106-0749.184-182 Wood Marble/European Vine Moth - Lobesia reliquana/botrana
- 110749.182 European Vine Moth - Lobesia botrana
- 110849.183 Thistle Marble - Lobesia abscisana*
- 110949.185 Shore Marble - Lobesia littoralis*
- 111049.195 Marsh Lance - Bactra furfurana*
- 111149.194 Common Lance - Bactra lancealana*
- 111349.144 Oak Marble - Eudemis profundana
- 111449.143 Apple Marble - Eudemis porphyrana*
- 111549.215 Hedge Hook-wing - Ancylis achatana
- 111649.205 Least Hook-wing - Ancylis comptana*
- 112049.216 Amber Hook-wing - Ancylis mitterbacheriana*
- 112249.204 Lesser Hook-wing - Ancylis obtusana*
- 112649.214 Meadow Hook-wing - Ancylis badiana
- 113349.254 Crescent Tortrix - Epinotia bilunana
- 113449.249 Black-marked Tortrix - Epinotia ramella f. costana*
- 113649.240 Birch Tortrix - Epinotia immundana*
- 113749.245 Birch-borer Tortrix - Epinotia tetraquetrana
- 113849.255 Brindled Poplar Tortrix - Epinotia nisella*
- 113849.255 Brindled Poplar Tortrix - Epinotia nisella f. pavonana*
- 113849.255 Brindled Poplar Tortrix - Epinotia nisella f. decorana
- 113949.248 Nut Bud Moth - Epinotia tenerana*
- 114249.252 Common Spruce Tortrix - Epinotia tedella
- 114449.237 Black-streaked Tortrix - Epinotia signatana*
- 114549.242 Small Spruce Tortrix - Epinotia nanana
- 115549.231 Large Birch Roller - Epinotia brunnichana*
- 115749.261 Tree-mallow Tortrix - Crocidosema plebejana*
- 115949.223 Holly Tortrix - Rhopobota naevana
- 116549.260 Mottled Oak Tortrix - Zeiraphera isertana
- 116649.257 Larch Tortrix - Zeiraphera griseana*
- 116749.283 White Cloaked Tortrix - Gypsonoma aceriana*
- 116849.281 Mottled White Tortrix - Gypsonoma sociana
- 116949.279 Common Cloaked Tortrix - Gypsonoma dealbana*
- 116949.279 Common Cloaked Tortrix - Gypsonoma dealbana*
- 117049.280 Mottled Grey Tortrix - Gypsonoma oppressana*
- 117149.278 Small Brindled Tortrix - Gypsonoma minutana*
- 117449.292 Black Cloak - Notocelia cynosbatella
- 117549.294 Bramble Shoot Moth - Notocelia uddmanniana
- 117649.298 Hawthorn Shoot Moth - Notocelia trimaculana*
- 117749.297 Rose Shoot Moth - Notocelia rosaecolana
- 117949.296 Scarce Rose Shoot Moth - Notocelia incarnatana
- 118349.288 White-foot Moth - Epiblema foenella*
- 118449.285 Thistle Root-borer - Epiblema scutulana*
- 1184a49.286 Knapweed Root-borer - Epiblema cirsiana*
- 1184x49.285x Thistle Root-borer agg. - Epiblema scutulana agg.
- 119249.275 Lettuce Tortrix - Eucosma conterminana*
- 119749.269 Pied Tortrix - Eucosma campoliliana*
- 120049.266 Common Knapweed Tortrix - Eucosma hohenwartiana*
- 1200b49.267 Tawny Knapweed Tortrix - Eucosma fulvana*
- 120149.265 HoaryTortrix - Eucosma cana
- 120249.264 Shaded Tortrix - Eucosma obumbratana*
- 120549.224 Bud Moth - Spilonota ocellana
- 1205a49.225 Larch Bud Moth - Spilonota laricana*
- 120749.304 Pine Leaf-mining Moth - Clavigesta purdeyi
- 121049.305 Pine Shoot Moth - Rhyacionia buoliana*
- 121149.306 Smooth Pine Shoot Moth - Rhyacionia pinicolana*
- 121249.307 Spotted Shoot Moth - Rhyacionia pinivorana*
- 121649.200 Cherry Bark Tortrix - Enarmonia formosana
- 121949.345 Slender Rufous Tortrix - Lathronympha strigana*
- 123349.376 Tawny Sycamore Piercer - Pammene aurita
- 123449.375 Regal Piercer - Pammene regiana*
- 123649.367 Acorn Piercer - Pammene fasciana*
- 123749.377 Dark Oak Tortrix - Pammene germmana*
- 123949.371 Fruitlet Mining Tortrix - Pammene rhediella*
- 124049.350 Sainfoin Piercer - Grapholita caecana*
- 124149.347 Meadow Tortrix - Grapholita compositella*
- 124549.359 Hawthorn Piercer - Grapholita janthinana*
- 124749.357 Plum Fruit Moth - Grapholita funebrana*
- 124949.356 Small Fruit Moth - Grapholita lobarzewskii*
- 125149.354 Beautiful Crescent - Grapholita jungiella
- 125449.335 Spruce Seed Moth - Cydia strobilella*
- 125549.325 Common Gorse Moth - Cydia ulicetana*
- 125949.342 Beech Mast Piercer - Cydia fagiglandana*
- 126049.341 Marbled Piercer - Cydia splendana
- 126049.341 Marbled Piercer - Cydia splendana*
- 126149.338 Codling Moth - Cydia pomonella
- 126249.343 Rusty Acorn Piercer - Cydia amplana*
- 126949.330 Pine Nut Moth - Cydia conicolana*
- 127249.379 Double Orange-spot - Pammene aurana*
- 127449.320 Orange-spot Daisy Moth - Dichrorampha alpinana*
- 127649.322 Lead-coloured Yarrow Moth - Dichrorampha plumbagana*
- 127949.313 Common Daisy Moth - Dichrorampha acuminatana*
- 128449.318 Orange-spot Yarrow Moth - Dichrorampha vancouverana
- 128844.001 Many-plume Moth - Alucita hexadactyla
- 129263.079 Bulrush Veneer - Calamotropha paludella
- 129363.080 Garden Grass-moth - Chrysoteuchia culmella
- 129463.081 White-banded Grass-moth - Crambus pascuella*
- 130163.086 Meadow Grass-moth - Crambus lathoniellus
- 130263.088 Satin Grass-moth - Crambus perlella f. warringtonellus.
- 130263.088 Satin Grass-moth - Crambus perlella
- 130363.092 Pale-streaked Grass-moth - Agriphila selasella*
- 130463.093 Straw Grass-moth - Agriphila straminella
- 130563.089 Common Grass-moth - Agriphila tristella*
- 130663.090 Barred Grass-moth - Agriphila inquinatella*
- 130963.095 Chevron Grass-moth - Agriphila geniculea*
- 131363.099 Pearl Grass-moth - Catoptria pinella*
- 131663.102 Chequered Grass-moth - Catoptria falsella*
- 131763.103 Marbled Grass-moth - Catoptria verellus
- 132363.109 Rolled Grass-moth - Pediasia contaminella*
- 132663.111 Little Grass-moth - Platytes cerussella*
- 132763.113 Giant Grass-moth - Ancylolomia tentaculella
- 132863.120 Giant Water-veneer - Schoenobius gigantella*
- 133263.062 Large Grey - Scoparia subfusca*
- 133363.066 Brown-spot Grey - Scoparia pyralella*
- 133463.064 Common Grey - Scoparia ambigualis*
- 1334a63.063 Chequered Grey - Scoparia basistrigalis*
- 133663.075 Pallid Grey - Eudonia pallida
- 133863.067 Tawny Grey - Eudonia lacustrata*
- 134163.071 Coast Grey - Eudonia lineola
- 134263.069 Narrow-winged Grey - Eudonia angustea*
- 134363.072 Pied Grey - Eudonia delunella*
- 134463.074 Garden Grey - Eudonia mercurella*
- 134563.114 Brown China-mark - Elophila nymphaeata*
- 134863.117 Ringed China-mark - Parapoynx stratiotata (Female)*
- 134863.117 Ringed China-mark - Parapoynx stratiotata (Male)*
- 135063.118 Beautiful China-mark - Nymphula nitidulata*
- 135463.116 Small China-mark - Cataclysta lemnata (Female)*
- 135463.116 Small China-mark - Cataclysta lemnata (Male)*
- 1355a63.119 Marbled Fern - Musotima nitidalis*
- 135663.057 Garden Pebble - Evergestis forficalis*
- 1356a63.059 Dark-bordered Pearl - Evergestis limbata*
- 135763.058 Marbled Yellow Pearl - Evergestis extimalis*
- 135863.060 Chequered Pearl - Evergestis pallidata*
- 136063.061 Old World Webworm - Hellula undalis
- 136163.006 Mint Moth - Pyrausta aurata*
- 136263.007 Common Purple And Gold - Pyrausta purpuralis*
- 136463.004 Scarce Crimson & Gold - Pyrausta sanguinalis
- 136563.005 Straw-barred Pearl - Pyrausta despicata*
- 136663.009 Wavy-barred Sable - Pyrausta nigrata*
- 136863.002 Mugwort Pearl - Loxostege sticticalis*
- 136963.011 Yellow-underwing Pearl - Uresiphita gilvata
- 137063.014 Sulphur Pearl - Sitochroa palealis*
- 137463.030 Knapweed Pear - Paratalanta hyalinalis
- 137563.028 European Corn Borer - Ostrinia nubilalis (Male)*
- 137563.028 European Corn Borer - Ostrinia nubilalis (Female)*
- 137663.025 Small Magpie - Anania hortulata*
- 137763.017 Long-winged Pearl - Anania lancealis
- 137863.018 Elder Pearl - Anania coronata
- 138163.024 White-spotted Sable - Anania funebris
- 138263.023 Wood Sage Pearl - Anania verbascalis*
- 138463.019 Woundwort Pearl - Anania stachydalis*
- 138563.022 Fleabane Pearl - Anania crocealis*
- 138663.016 Rattle Pearl - Anania fuscalis
- 138863.033 Pale Straw Pearl - Udea lutealis*
- 139063.034 Dusky Pearl - Udea prunalis*
- 139163.036 Scotch Pearl - Udea decrepitalis
- 139263.037 Garden Pearl - Udea olivalis
- 139563.031 Rusty-dot Pearl - Udea ferrugalis*
- 139763.040 Coastal Pearl - Mecyna asinalis
- 139863.052 Rush Veneer - Nomophila noctuella*
- 139963.050 Long-legged China-mark - Dolicharthria punctalis
- 140063.051 Toadflax Pearl - Antigastra catalaunalis
- 140563.038 Mother of Pearl - Patania ruralis*
- 1406a63.055 Grass Webworm - Herpetogramma licarsisalis
- 140863.048 Olive-tree Pearl - Palpita vitrealis
- 1409a63.054 Box Tree Moth - Cydalima perspectalis*
- 141063.041 Beautiful Pearl - Agrotera nemoralis*
- 141362.075 Gold Triangle - Hypsopygia costalis*
- 141462.070 Long-legged Tabby - Synaphe punctalis*
- 141562.076 Double-striped Tabby - Hypsopygia glaucinalis
- 141762.072 Meal Moth - Pyralis farinalis
- 142062.073 Small Tabby - Aglossa caprealis
- 142162.074 Large Tabby - Aglossa pinguinalis*
- 142462.077 Rosy Tabby - Endotricha flammealis*
- 142562.006 Wax Moth - Galleria mellonella*
- 142662.005 Lesser Wax Moth - Achroia grisella
- 142862.001 Bee Moth - Aphomia sociella (Female)*
- 142862.001 Bee Moth - Aphomia sociella (Male)*
- 143062.003 Stored Nut Moth - Paralipsa gularis*
- 143362.007 Double-striped Knot-horn - Cryptoblabes bistriga*
- 143562.033 Tufted Oak Knot-horn - Acrobasis tumidana*
- 143662.034 Beautiful Oak Knot-horn - Acrobasis repandana*
- 143762.038 Grey Oak Knot-horn - Acrobasis consociella*
- 143862.036 Blackthorn Knot-horn - Acrobasis suavella*
- 143962.035 Hawthorn Knot-horn - Acrobasis advenella*
- 144062.037 Marbled Knot-horn - Acrobasis marmorea*
- 144262.023 Heather Knot-horn - Pempelia palumbella
- 144462.013 Marjoram Knot-horn - Moitrelia obductella*
- 144562.024 Beautiful Knot-horn - Rhodophaea formosa*
- 1448a62.009 Elegia fallax
- 144962.010 White-barred Knot-horn - Elegia similella*
- 145162.012 Dusky Knot-horn - Pyla fusca*
- 145262.029 Oak Knot-horn - Phycita roborella*
- 145462.028 Pine Knot-horn - Dioryctria abietella*
- 1454a62.026 Spruce Knot-horn - Dioryctria schuetzeella*
- 145762.030 Dingy Knot-horn - Hypochalcia ahenella*
- 145862.042 Thistle Ermine - Myelois circumvoluta
- 146062.040 Locust Bean Moth - Apomyelois ceratoniae
- 146162.047 Dark Spruce Knot-horn - Assara terebrella
- 146262.015 Western Thyme Knot-horn - Delplanqueia dilutella
- 1462a62.0151 Thyme Knot-horn - Delplanqueia inscriptella*
- 146562.032 Spindle Knot-horn - Nephopterix agustella*
- 147062.048 Ash-bark Knot-horn - Euzophera pinguis*
- 147462.065 Blushed Knot-horn - Ephestia woodiella*
- 147562.063 Mediterranean Flour Moth - Ephestia kuehniella
- 148162.054 Twin-barred Knot-horn - Homoeosoma sinuella*
- 148362.058 Spotted Knot-horn - Phycitodes binaevella*
- 148462.059 Lesser Clouded Knot-horn - Phycitodes saxicola
- 148845.002 Saltmarsh Plume - Agdistis bennetii*
- 149445.058 Wood Sage Plume - Capperia britanniodactylus*
- 149545.023 Crescent plume - Marasmarcha lunaedactyla*
- 149745.010 Beautiful Plume - Amblyptilia acanthadactyla
- 149845.011 Brindled Plume - Amblyptilia punctidactyla
- 150245.006 Hoary Plume - Platyptilia isodactylus*
- 150445.008 Yarrow Plume - Gillmeria pallidactyla*
- 150745.021 Dowdy Plume - Stenoptilia zophodactylus*
- 150845.013 Twin-spot Plume - Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla*
- 150945.012 Brown Plume - Stenoptilia pterodactyla
- 151045.033 Thyme Plume - Merrifieldia leucodactyla
- 151245.034 Dingy White Plume - Merrifieldia baliodactylus*
- 151345.030 White Plume Moth - Pterophorus pentadactyla
- 151745.043 Hemp Agrimony Plume - Adaina microdactyla*
- 151945.039 Citron Plume - Hellinsia carphodactyla*
- 152445.044 Common Plume - Emmelina mondactyla
- 163166.001 December Moth - Poecilocampa Popul*
- 163466.003 Lackey - Malacosoma neustria (Male)*
- 163466.003 Lackey - Malacosoma neustria (Female)*
- 163666.006 Grass Eggar - Lasiocampa trifolii
- 163766.007 Oak Eggar - Lasiocampa quercus*
- 164066.010 Drinker - Euthrix potatoria (Male)
- 164066.010 Drinker - Euthrix potatoria (Female)
- 164368.001 Emperor Moth - Saturnia pavonia (Male)*
- 164565.001 Scalloped Hook-tip - Falcaria lacertinaria*
- 164665.002 Oak Hook-tip - Watsonalla binaria*
- 164765.003 Barred Hook-tip - Watsonalla cultraria*
- 164865.005 Pebble Hook-tip - Drepana falcataria falcataria*
- 164865.005 Pebble Hook-tip - Drepana falcataria scotica
- 165165.007 Chinese Character - Cilix glaucata*
- 165265.008 Peach Blossom - Thyatira batis
- 165365.009 Buff Arches - Habrosyne pyritoides
- 165465.010 Figure Of Eighty - Tethea ocularis*
- 165665.012 Satin Lutestring - Tetheella fluctuosa*
- 165765.013 Common Lutestring - Ochropacha duplaris*
- 166065.015 Frosted Green - Polyploca ridens*
- 166170.203 Orange Underwing - Archiearis parthenias*
- 166270.204 Light Orange Underwing - Archiearis notha*
- 166370.245 March Moth - Alsophila aescularia Updated
- 166570.297 Grass Emerald - Pseudoterpna pruinata
- 166670.299 Large Emerald - Geometra papilionaria
- 166770.300 Blotched Emerald - Comibaena bajularia
- 166970.305 Common Emerald - Hemithea aestivaria
- 167370.302 Small Emerald - Hemistola chrysoprasaria
- 167470.303 Little Emerald - Jodis lactearia
- 167670.031 Mocha - Cyclophora annularia
- 167770.032 Birch Mocha - Cyclophora albipunctata
- 167870.033 Blair's Mocha - Cyclophora puppillaria
- 168070.036 Maiden's Blush - Cyclophora punctaria
- 168170.037 Clay Triple-lines - Cyclophora linearia*
- 168270.029 Blood-vein - Timandra comae
- 168770.021 Lace Border - Scopula ornata*
- 168970.023 Mullein Wave - Scopula marginepunctata*
- 169070.024 Small Blood-vein - Scopula imitaria
- 169270.025 Lesser Cream Wave - Scopula immutata
- 169370.027 Cream Wave - Scopula floslactata*
- 169670.003 Bright Wave - Idaea ochrata
- 169970.004 Least Carpet - Idaea rusticata
- 170270.013 Small Fan-footed Wave - Idaea biselata
- 170570.006 Dwarf Cream Wave - Idaea fuscovenosa
- 170670.007 Isle of Wight Wave - Idaea humiliata
- 170770.008 Small Dusty Wave - Idaea seriata*
- 170870.011 Single-dotted Wave - Idaea dimidiata
- 170970.009 Satin Wave - Idaea subsericeata*
- 171170.012 Treble Brown Spot - Idaea trigeminata
- 171270.015 Small Scallop - Idaea emarginata*
- 171370.016 Riband Wave - Idaea aversata*
- 171370.016 Riband Wave - Idaea aversata f. remutata*
- 171470.017 Portland Ribbon Wave - Idaea degeneraria*
- 171670.038 Vestal - Rhodometra sacraria
- 171970.046 Oblique Carpet - Orthonama vittata
- 172070.047 Gem - Nycterosea obstipata (Male)
- 172070.047 Gem - Nycterosea obstipata (Female)
- 172270.053 Flame Carpet - Xanthorhoe designata
- 172470.051 Red Twin-spot Carpet - Xanthorhoe spadicearia
- 172570.052 Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet - Xanthorhoe ferrugata*
- 172770.054 Silver-ground Carpet - Xanthorhoe montanata
- 172870.049 Garden Carpet - Xanthorhoe fluctuata
- 173170.043 Chalk Carpet - Scotopteryx bipunctaria
- 173270.045 Shaded Broad-bar - Scotopteryx chenopodiata
- 173470.041 July Belle - Scotopteryx luridata
- 173670.056 Royal Mantle - Catarhoe cuculata
- 173770.060 Small Argent & Sable - Epirrhoe tristata
- 173870.061 Common Carpet - Epirrhoe alternata
- 173970.062 Wood Carpet - Epirrhoe rivata*
- 174070.063 Galium Carpet - Epirrhoe galiata*
- 174270.059 Yellow Shell - Camptogramma bilineata
- 174270.059 Yellow Shell - Camptogramma bilineata
- 174570.070 Mallow - Larentia clavaria
- 174770.067 Streamer - Anticlea derivata
- 174870.068 Beautiful Carpet - Mesoleuca albicillata
- 174970.069 Dark Spinach - Pelurga comitata*
- 175070.103 Water Carpet - Lampropteryx suffumata*
- 175270.087 Purple Bar - Cosmorhoe ocellata
- 175470.089 Phoenix - Eulithis prunata
- 175770.092 Spinach - Eulithis mellinata*
- 175870.093 Barred Straw - Gandaritis pyraliata
- 175970.094 Small Phoenix - Ecliptopera silaceata
- 176070.095 Red-green Carpet - Chloroclysta siterata
- 176170.096 Autumn Green Carpet - Chloroclysta miata
- 176470.097 Common Marbled Carpet - Dysstroma truncata
- 176570.085 Barred Yellow - Cidaria fulvata
- 176670.084 Blue-bordered Carpet - Plemyria rubiginata
- 176770.077 Pine Carpet - Pennithera firmata
- 176870.081 Grey Pine Carpet - Thera obeliscata*
- 176970.079 Spruce Carpet - Thera britannica
- 177070.078 Chestnut-coloured Carpet - Thera cognata
- 1771a70.083 Cypress Carpet - Thera cupressata
- 177370.086 Broken-barred Carpet - Electrophaes corylata
- 177670.100 Green Carpet - Colostygia pectinataria
- 177770.074 July Highflyer - Hydriomena furcata
- 177870.075 May Highflyer - Hydriomena impluviata
- 178170.126 Small Waved Umber - Horisme vitalbata
- 178270.127 Fern - Horisme tersata
- 178470.128 Pretty Chalk Carpet - Melanthia procellata
- 178770.120 Argent & Sable - Rheumaptera hastata
- 178970.121 Scallop Shell - Hydria undulata
- 179070.123 Tissue - Triphosa dubitata
- 179170.118 Brown Scallop - Philereme vetulata*
- 179270.119 Dark Umber - Philereme transversata*
- 179470.065 Sharp-angled Carpet - Euphyia unangulata
- 1795x70.107x November Moth agg. - Epirrita dilutata agg.
- 179770.109 Autumnal Moth - Epirrita autumnata
- 179870.110 Small Autumnal Moth - Epirrita filigrammaria
- 179970.106 Winter Moth - Operophtera brumata*
- 180270.132 Rivulet - Perizoma affinitata
- 180370.133 Small Rivulet - Perizoma alchemillata
- 180470.134 Barred Rivulet - Perizoma bifaciata
- 180570.135 Heath Rivulet - Perizoma minorata*
- 180670.136 Pretty Pinion - Perizoma blandiata
- 180770.137 Grass Rivulet - Perizoma albulata*
- 180870.138 Sandy Carpet - Perizoma flavofasciata
- 181170.147 Slender Pug - Eupithecia tenuiata*
- 181270.148 Maple Pug - Eupithecia inturbata
- 181370.146 Haworth's Pug - Eupithecia haworthiata
- 181670.150 Toadflax Pug - Eupithecia linariata*
- 181770.151 Foxglove Pug - Eupithecia pulchellata*
- 181970.184 Mottled Pug - Eupithecia exiguata
- 182270.154 Marsh Pug - Eupithecia pygmaeata
- 182370.155 Netted Pug - Eupithecia venosata
- 182570.173 Lime-speck Pug - Eupithecia centaureata
- 182770.176 Freyer’s Pug - Eupithecia intricata arceuthata
- 182870.177 Satyr Pug - Eupithecia satyrata satyrata*
- 183070.179 Wormwood Pug - Eupithecia absinthiata*
- 183270.182 Currant Pug - Eupithecia assimilata*
- 183470.183 Common Pug - Eupithecia vulgata
- 183570.160 White-spotted Pug - Eupithecia tripunctaria
- 183770.190 Grey Pug - Eupithecia subfuscata*
- 183870.187 Tawny Speckled Pug - Eupithecia icterata fulvata
- 183870.187s Tawny Speckled Pug - Eupithecia icterata cognata*
- 183970.188 Bordered Pug - Eupithecia succenturiata
- 184070.189 Shaded Pug - Eupithecia subumbrata
- 184170.186 Yarrow Pug - Eupithecia millefoliata*
- 184270.166 Plain Pug - Eupithecia simpliciata*
- 184370.172 Thyme Pug - Eupithecia distinctaria
- 184470.171 Ochreous Pug - Eupithecia indigata*
- 184570.165 Pimpinel Pug - Eupithecia pimpinellata
- 184670.168 Narrow-winged Pug - Eupithecia nanata*
- 185270.156 Brindled Pug - Eupithecia abbreviata*
- 185370.157 Oak-tree Pug - Eupithecia dodoneata*
- 185570.159 Cypress Pug - Eupithecia phoeniceata
- 1855a70.152 Channel Islands Pug - Eupithecia ultimaria
- 185870.142 V-Pug - Chloroclystis v-ata
- 186070.144 Green Pug - Pasiphila rectangulata
- 186270.141 Double-striped Pug - Gymnoscelis rufifasciata
- 186770.192 Treble-bar - Aplocera plagiata*
- 186870.193 Lesser Treble-bar - Aplocera efformata*
- 187070.130 Chimney Sweeper - Odezia atrata
- 187370.115 Welsh Wave - Venusia cambrica
- 187570.111 Small White Wave - Asthena albulata
- 187670.114 Small Yellow Wave - Hydrelia flammeolaria
- 187870.117 Drab Looper - Minoa murinata*
- 187970.198 Seraphim - Lobophora halterata*
- 188070.201 Barred Tooth-striped - Trichopteryx polycommata
- 188270.199 Small Seraphim - Pterapherapteryx sexalata
- 188370.200 Yellow-barred Brindle - Acasis viretata
- 188470.205 Magpie Moth - Abraxas grossulariata
- 188770.207 Clouded Border - Lomaspilis marginata
- 188870.208 Scorched Carpet - Ligdia adustata
- 188970.211 Peacock Moth - Macaria notata*
- 189070.212 Sharp-angled Peacock - Macaria alternata
- 189370.214 Tawny-barred Angle - Macaria liturata
- 189470.218 Latticed Heath - Chiasmia clathrata
- 190170.221 Little Thorn - Cepphis advenaria
- 190270.222 Brown Silver-line - Petrophora chlorosata
- 190370.223 Barred Umber - Plagodis pulveraria
- 190470.224 Scorched Wing - Plagodis dolabraria
- 190670.226 Brimstone Moth - Opisthograptis luteolata
- 190670.226 Brimstone Moth - Opisthograptis luteolata ab. intermedia Harr.*
- 190770.227 Bordered Beauty - Epione repandaria
- 190970.229 Speckled Yellow - Pseudopanthera macularia
- 191070.231 Lilac Beauty - Apeira syringaria
- 191170.232 Large Thorn - Ennomos autumnaria
- 191270.233 August Thorn - Ennomos quercinaria
- 191370.234 Canary-shouldered Thorn - Ennomos alniaria
- 191470.235 Dusky Thorn - Ennomos fuscantaria
- 191570.236 September Thorn - Ennomos erosaria*
- 191770.237 Early Thorn - Selenia dentaria (1st Generation)
- 191770.237 Early Thorn - Selenia dentaria (2nd Generation)
- 191870.238 Lunar Thorn - Selenia lunularia
- 191970.239 Purple Thorn - Selenia tetralunaria
- 192070.240 Scalloped Hazel - Odontopera bidentata
- 192170.241 Scalloped Oak - Crocallis elinguaria
- 192270.243 Swallow-tailed Moth - Ourapteryx sambucaria
- 192370.244 Feathered Thorn - Colotois pennaria
- 192570.246 Small Brindled Beauty - Apocheima hispidaria*
- 192670.247 Pale Brindled Beauty - Phigalia pilosaria
- 192770.248 Brindled Beauty - Lycia hirtaria
- 193070.251 Oak Beauty - Biston strataria
- 193170.252 Peppered Moth - Biston betularia
- 193170.252 Peppered Moth - Biston betularia f. carbonaria
- 193270.253 Spring Usher - Agriopis leucophaearia
- 193370.254 Scarce Umber - Agriopis aurantiaria
- 193470.255 Dotted Border - Agriopis marginaria
- 193570.256 Mottled Umber - Erannis defoliaria
- 193670.257 Waved Umber - Menophra abruptaria
- 193670.257 Waved Umber - Menophra abruptaria f. fuscata*
- 193770.258 Willow Beauty - Peribatodes rhomboidaria
- 1937b70.261 Lydd Beauty - Peribatodes ilicaria
- 193870.262 Bordered Grey - Selidosema brunnearia*
- 194170.265 Mottled Beauty - Alcis repandata
- 194470.268 Pale Oak Beauty - Hypomecis punctinalis
- 194570.288 Brussels Lace - Cleorodes lichenaria
- 194770.270 Engrailed - Ectropis crepuscularia*
- 194970.272 Square Spot - Paradarisa consonaria*
- 195070.273 Brindled White-spot - Parectropis similaria*
- 195270.275 Common Heath - Ematurga atomaria
- 1953B67 Dusky Carpet - Tephronia sepiaria
- 195570.277 Common White Wave - Cabera pusaria
- 195670.278 Common Wave - Cabera exanthemata*
- 195770.279 White-pinion Spotted - Lomographa bimaculata
- 195870.280 Clouded Silver - Lomographa temerata
- 196070.282 Early Moth - Theria primaria*
- 196170.283 Light Emerald - Campaea margaritaria
- 196270.284 Barred Red - Hylaea fasciaria
- 196370.285 Scotch Annulet - Gnophos obfuscata*
- 196770.293 Straw Belle - Aspitates gilvaria ssp. burrenensis
- 196870.294 Yellow Belle - Aspitates ochrearia
- 197269.004 Convolvulus Hawk-moth - Agrius convolvuli (Female)
- 197269.004 Convolvulus Hawk-moth - Agrius convolvuli (Male)
- 197669.006 Privet Hawk-moth - Sphinx ligustri
- 197869.007 Pine Hawk-moth - Sphinx pinastri
- 197969.001 Lime Hawk-moth - Mimas tiliae
- 198069.002 Eyed Hawk-moth - Smerinthus ocellata
- 198169.003 Poplar Hawk-moth - Laothoe populi (Male)
- 198169.003 Poplar Hawk-moth - Laothoe populi (Female)
- 198269.008 Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-moth - Hemaris tityus
- 198469.010 Humming-bird Hawk-moth - Macroglossum stellatarum
- 199069.015 Striped Hawk-moth - Hyles livornica
- 199169.016 Elephant Hawk-moth - Deilephila elpenor
- 199269.017 Small Elephant Hawk-moth - Deilephila porcellus
- 199471.025 Buff-Tip - Phalera bucephala
- 199471.025 Buff-Tip - Phalera bucephala
- 199571.003 Puss Moth - Cerura vinula
- 199771.005 Sallow Kitten - Furcula furcula*
- 199871.007 Poplar Kitten - Furcula bifida*
- 199971.009 Lobster Moth - Stauropus fagi
- 200071.012 Iron Prominent - Notodonta dromedarius
- 200371.013 Pebble Prominent - Notodonta ziczac
- 200471.008 Tawny Prominent - Harpyia milhauseri
- 200671.018 Lesser Swallow Prominent - Pheosia gnoma*
- 200771.017 Swallow Prominent - Pheosia tremula*
- 200871.021 Coxcomb Prominent - Ptilodon capucina
- 200971.022 Maple Prominent - Ptilodon cucullina
- 201171.020 Pale Prominent - Pterostoma palpina
- 201571.011 Lunar Marbled Brown - Drymonia ruficornis
- 201971.027 Chocolate-tip - Clostera curtula
- 202171.002 Pine Processionary - Thaumetopoea pityocampa
- 202672.017 Vapourer - Orgyia antiqua (Male)
- 202672.017 Vapourer - Orgyia antiqua (Female)
- 202872.015 Pale Tussock - Calliteara pudibunda (Male)
- 202872.015 Pale Tussock - Calliteara pudibunda (Female)
- 202872.015 Pale Tussock - Calliteara pudibunda f. concolor (Male)
- 202972.012 Brown-tail - Euproctis chrysorrhoea
- 203072.013 Yellow-tail - Euproctis similis
- 203172.009 White Satin Moth - Leucoma salicis
- 203372.010 Black Arches - Lymantria monacha
- 203472.011 Gypsy Moth - Lymantria dispar (Male)*
- 203672.050 Dew Moth - Setina irrorella
- 203772.035 Rosy Footman - Miltochrista miniata
- 203872.036 Muslin Footman - Nudaria mundana
- 203972.042 Red-necked Footman - Atolmis rubricollis
- 204072.038 Four-dotted Footman - Cybosia mesomella
- 204372.049 Orange Footman - Eilema sororcula
- 204472.044 Dingy Footman - Eilema griseola
- 204572.047 Hoary Footman - Eilema caniola*
- 204772.046 Scarce Footman - Eilema complana
- 204972.043 Buff Footman - Eilema depressa*
- 205072.045 Common Footman - Eilema lurideola
- 205172.041 Four-spotted Footman - Lithosia quadra (Male)
- 205172.041 Four-spotted Footman - Lithosia quadra (Female)
- 205672.025 Wood Tiger - Parasemia plantaginis
- 205772.026 Garden Tiger - Arctia caja
- 205872.027 Cream-spot Tiger - Arctia villica
- 206072.020 White Ermine - Spilosoma lubricipeda
- 206172.019 Buff Ermine - Spilosoma luteum (Male)
- 206172.019 Buff Ermine - Spilosoma luteum ab. fasciata
- 206172.019 Buff Ermine - Spilosoma luteum (Female)
- 206372.022 Muslin Moth - Diaphora mendica (Female)
- 206372.022 Muslin Moth - Diaphora mendica (Male)
- 206472.024 Ruby Tiger - Phragmatobia fuliginosa
- 206772.030 Jersey Tiger - Euplagia quadripunctaria*
- 206972.031 Cinnabar - Tyria jacobaeae
- 207674.002 Kent Black Arches - Meganola albula
- 207774.003 Short-cloaked Moth - Nola cucullatella
- 207774.003 Short-cloaked Moth - Nola cucullatella ab. nigrofasciata Cock.*
- 207874.004 Least Black Arches - Nola Confusalis
- 2079a74.006 Jersey Black Arches - Nola chlamitulalis
- 208173.313 White-line Dart - Euxoa tritici*
- 208773.319 Turnip Moth - Agrotis segetum
- 208773.319 Turnip Moth - Agrotis segetum ab. semiconfluent Cock.*
- 208873.320 Heart and Club - Agrotis clavis
- 208973.317 Heart and Dart - Agrotis exclamationis
- 209073.324 Crescent Dart - Agrotis Trux*
- 209173.327 Dark Sword-grass - Agrotis ipsilon
- 209273.325 Shuttle-shaped Dart - Agrotis puta
- 209473.315 Great Dart - Agrotis bigramma
- 209873.328 Flame - Axylia putris
- 210273.329 Flame Shoulder - Ochropleura plecta
- 2102a73.330 Radford's Flame Shoulder - Ochropleura leucogaster*
- 210473.341 Northern Rustic - Standfussiana lucernea
- 210773.342 Large Yellow Underwing - Noctua pronuba
- 210973.345 Lesser Yellow Underwing - Noctua comes
- 211073.343 Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing - Noctua fimbriata (Male)
- 2110a73.347 Langmaid's Yellow Underwing - Noctua janthina*
- 211073.343 Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing - Noctua fimbriata (Female)
- 211173.348 Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing - Noctua janthe
- 211273.346 Least Yellow Underwing - Noctua interjecta
- 211473.351 Double Dart - Graphiphora augur
- 211773.365 Autumnal Rustic - Eugnorisma glareosa
- 211873.338 True Lover's Knot - Lycophotia porphyrea
- 211973.307 Pearly Underwing - Peridroma saucia*
- 212073.333 Ingrailed Clay - Diarsia mendica
- 212273.332 Purple Clay - Diarsia brunnea
- 212373.334 Small Square-spot - Diarsia rubi
- 212673.359 Setaceous Hebrew Character - Xestia c-nigrum
- 212873.361 Double Square-spot - Xestia triangulum
- 213073.353 Dotted Clay - Xestia baja
- 213373.358 Six-striped Rustic - Xestia sexstrigata*
- 213473.357 Square-spot Rustic - Xestia xanthographa
- 213673.368 Gothic - Naenia typica
- 213873.352 Green Arches - Anaplectoides prasina
- 214573.255 Nutmeg - Anarta trifolii
- 214773.273 Shears - Hada plebeja
- 215073.261 Grey Arches - Polia nebulosa
- 215473.274 Cabbage Moth - Mamestra brassicae
- 215573.270 Dot Moth - Melanchra persicariae
- 215673.265 Beautiful Brocade - Lacanobia contigua
- 215773.263 Light Brocade - Lacanobia w-latinum
- 215873.264 Pale-shouldered Brocade - Lacanobia thalassina
- 215973.266 Dog's Tooth - Lacanobia suasa*
- 216073.267 Bright-line Brown-eye - Lacanobia oleracea
- 216273.272 Glaucous Shears - Papestra biren
- 216373.271 Broom Moth - Ceramica pisi
- 216473.279 Broad-barred White - Hecatera bicolorata
- 216573.280 Small Ranunculus - Hecatera dysodea
- 216673.276 Campion - Sideridis rivularis
- 216773.286 Tawny Shears - Hadena perplexa*
- 216973.278 Barrett's Marbled Coronet - Conisania andalusica
- 217073.282 Varied Coronet - Hadena compta
- 217173.283 Marbled Coronet - Hadena confusa
- 217373.281 Lychnis - Hadena bicruris
- 217673.254 Antler Moth - Cerapteryx graminis
- 217873.253 Feathered Gothic - Tholera decimalis
- 217973.241 Pine Beauty - Panolis flammea
- 218273.245 Small Quaker - Orthosia cruda
- 218373.243 Blossom Underwing - Orthosia miniosa*
- 218673.247 Powdered Quaker - Orthosia gracilis*
- 218773.244 Common Quaker - Orthosia ceras
- 218873.242 Clouded Drab - Orthosia incerta
- 218973.250 Twin-spotted Quaker - Anorthoa munda
- 219073.249 Hebrew Character - Orthosia gothica
- 219273.290 Brown-line Bright Eye - Mythimna conigera
- 219373.298 Clay - Mythimna ferrago
- 219473.297 White-Point - Mythimna albipuncta
- 219573.295 Delicate - Mythimna Vitellina*
- 219673.289 Striped Wainscot - Mythimna pudorina
- 219773.294 Southern Wainscot - Mythimna straminea*
- 219873.293 Smoky Wainscot - Mythimna impura*
- 219973.291 Common Wainscot - Mythimna pallens*
- 220273.300 L-album Wainscot - Mythimna l-album
- 220373.296 White-speck - Mythimna unipuncta*
- 220473.302 Obscure Wainscot - Leucania obsoleta*
- 220673.303 Devonshire Wainscot - Leucania putrescens
- 220873.304 Cosmopolitan - Leucania loreyi*
- 221473.053 Chamomile Shark - Cucullia chamomillae*
- 221673.052 Shark - Cucullia umbratica
- 222173.058 Mullein - Cucullia verbasci
- 222373.059 Toadflax Brocade - Calophasia lunula
- 222473.060 Antirrhinum Brocade - Calophasia platyptera
- 222573.220 Minor Shoulder-knot - Brachylomia viminalis*
- 222773.065 Sprawler - Asteroscopus sphinx*
- 223073.230 Feathered Brindle - Aporophyla australis*
- 223173.231 Deep-brown Dart - Aporophyla lutulenta
- 223273.233 Black Rustic - Aporophyla nigra
- 223573.200 Tawny Pinion - Lithophane semibrunnea*
- 223773.202 Grey Shoulder-knot - Lithophane ornitopus
- 224073.206 Blair’s Shoulder-knot - Lithophane leautieri
- 224173.209 Red Sword-grass - Xylena vetusta
- 224373.069 Early Grey - Xylocampa areola
- 224573.068 Green-brindled Crescent - Allophyes oxyacanthae
- 2246a73.223 Oak Rustic - Dryobota labecula*
- 2246a73.223 Oak Rustic - Dryobota labecula f. albomacula*
- 224773.224 Merveille du Jour - Griposia aprilina
- 224873.225 Brindled Green - Dryobotodes eremita*
- 225073.238 Dark Brocade - Mniotype adusta
- 225273.237 Large Ranunculus - Polymixis flavicincta
- 225473.228 Grey Chi - Antitype chi
- 225573.235 Feathered Ranunculus - Polymixis lichenea*
- 225673.210 Satellite - Eupsilia transversa
- 225873.194 Chestnut - Conistra vaccinii*
- 225973.195 Dark Chestnut - Conistra ligula*
- 226073.197 Dotted Chestnut - Conistra rubiginea*
- 226273.192 Brick - Agrochola circellaris
- 226373.189 Red-line Quaker - Agrochola lota
- 226473.190 Yellow-line Quaker - Agrochola macilenta
- 226773.186 Beaded Chestnut - Agrochola lychnidis*
- 226973.219 Centre-Barred Sallow - Atethmia centrago*
- 227073.193 Lunar Underwing - Omphaloscelis lunosa
- 227173.179 Orange Sallow - Tiliacea citrago
- 227273.180 Barred Sallow - Tiliacea aurago
- 227373.181 Pink-barred Sallow - Xanthia togata
- 227473.182 Sallow - Cirrhia icteritia
- 227573.183 Dusky-lemon Sallow - Cirrhia gilvago*
- 227873.046 Poplar Grey - Subacronicta megacephala
- 227973.039 Sycamore - Acronicta aceris
- 228073.040 Miller - Acronicta leporina
- 228173.036 Alder Moth - Acronicta alni*
- 2283-8473.037-38 Dark/Grey Dagger - Acronicta tridens/psi
- 228473.038 Grey Dagger - Acronicta psi*
- 228673.042 Light Knot Grass - Acronicta menyanthidis scotica
- 228873.044 Sweet Gale Moth - Acronicta cinerea
- 228973.045 Knot Grass - Acronicta rumicis
- 229173.047 Coronet - Craniophora ligustri
- 229273.082 Tree-lichen Beauty - Cryphia algae
- 229373.084 Marbled Beauty - Bryophila domestica*
- 229573.085 Marbled Green - Nyctobrya muralis
- 229773.062 Copper Underwing - Amphipyra pyramidea
- 2297-9873.062-63 Copper/ Svensson's Copper Underwing - Amphipyra pyramidea/berbera
- 229873.063 Svensson’s Copper Underwing - Amphipyra berbera
- 229973.064 Mouse Moth - Amphipyra tragopoginis
- 230073.107 Old Lady - Mormo maura
- 230173.105 Bird's Wing - Dypterygia scabriuscula
- 230273.102 Brown Rustic - Rusina ferruginea
- 230373.109 Straw Underwing - Thalpophila matura
- 230473.106 Orache Moth - Trachea atriplicis
- 230573.114 Small Angle Shades - Euplexia lucipara
- 230673.113 Angle Shades - Phlogophora meticulosa*
- 231473.222 Dingy Shears - Apterogenum ypsillon*
- 231873.216 Dun-bar - Cosmia trapezina
- 231973.217 Lunar-spotted Pinion - Cosmia pyralina*
- 232073.110 Saxon - Hyppa rectilinea
- 232173.162 Dark Arches - Apamea monoglypha
- 232173.162 Dark Arches - Apamea monoglypha f. aethiops
- 232273.163 Light Arches - Apamea lithoxylaea
- 232373.164 Reddish Light Arches - Apamea sublustris
- 232673.156 Clouded-bordered Brindle - Apamea crenata*
- 232773.155 Clouded Brindle - Apamea epomidion
- 233073.154 Dusky Brocade - Apamea remissa
- 233173.159 Small Clouded Brindle - Apamea unanimis*
- 233473.158 Rustic Shoulder-knot - Apamea sordens*
- 2337x73.173x Marbled Minor agg. - Oligia strigilis agg.
- 234073.176 Middle-barred Minor - Oligia fasciuncula
- 234173.172 Cloaked Minor - Mesoligia furuncula
- 234273.171 Rosy Minor - Litoligia literosa
- 2343x73.173x Common Rustic agg. - Mesapamea secalis agg.
- 234473.146 Least Minor - Photedes captiuncula ssp. tincta
- 234573.147 Small Dotted Buff - Photedes minima
- 235073.144 Small Wainscot - Denticucullus pygmina
- 235073.144 Small Wainscot - Denticucullus pygmina
- 235273.120 Dusky Sallow - Eremobia ochroleuca
- 235373.131 Flounced Rustic - Luperina testacea
- 235773.127 Large Ear - Amphipoea lucens
- 235873.126 Saltern Ear - Amphipoea fucosa*
- 2360x73.128x Ear Moth - Amphipoea oculea agg.
- 236173.123 Rosy Rustic - Hydraecia micacea
- 236473.121 Frosted Orange - Gortyna flavago
- 236673.116 Burren Green - Calamia tridens occidentalis
- 236773.118 Haworth's Minor - Celaena haworthii
- 236873.119 Crescent - Helotropha leucostigma
- 237373.151 Webb's Wainscot - Globia sparganii
- 237573.134 Large Wainscot - Rhizedra lutosa
- 237773.137 Fen Wainscot - Arenostola phragmitidis*
- 237873.143 Brighton Wainscot - Oria musculosa
- 237973.142 Small Rufous - Coenobia rufa*
- 238073.101 Treble Lines - Charanyca trigrammica*
- 238073.101 Treble Lines - Charanyca trigrammic ab. obscura*
- 238073.101 Treble Lines - Charanyca trigrammica ab. semi-fuscans*
- 238173.096 Uncertain - Hoplodrina octogenaria*
- 2381-8273.096-97 Uncertain/Rustic agg. - Hoplodrina octogenaria/blanda
- 238273.097 Rustic - Hoplodrina blanda
- 238473.099 Vine’s Rustic - Hoplodrina ambigua*
- 238573.087 Small Mottled Willow - Spodoptera exigua
- 2386c73.088 Dark Mottled Willow - Spodoptera cilium
- 238773.092 Mottled Rustic - Caradrina morpheus
- 2387a73.093 Clancy's Rustic - Platyperigea Kadenii*
- 238973.095 Pale Mottled Willow - Caradrina clavipalpis
- 239173.100 Silky Wainscot - Chilodes maritima*
- 239573.049 Goldwing - Synthymia fixa
- 239673.091 Rosy Marbled - Elaphria venustula*
- 239773.048 Small Yellow Underwing - Panemeria tenebrata*
- 239973.070 Bordered Sallow - Pyrrhia umbra
- 240073.076 Scarce Bordered Straw - Helicoverpa armigera*
- 240373.074 Bordered Straw - Heliothis peltigera
- 240872.073 Small Marbled - Eublemma parva
- 241073.024 Marbled White Spot - Deltote pygarga
- 241273.026 Silver Hook - Deltote uncula
- 241573.028 Pale Shoulder - Acontia lucida
- 241874.011 Cream-bordered Green Pea - Earias clorana*
- 242074.012 Egyptian Bollworm - Earias insulana
- 242174.007 Scarce Silver-lines - Bena bicolorana
- 242274.008 Green Silver-lines - Pseudoips prasinana
- 242274.008 Green Silver-lines - Pseudoips prasinana (Second generation)
- 242374.009 Oak Nycteoline - Nycteola revayana f. ramosana*
- 242374.009 Oak Nycteoline - Nycteola revayana f. undulana*
- 242374.009 Oak Nycteoline - Nycteola revayana
- 242573.032 Nut-tree Tussock - Colocasia coryl
- 242873.008 Golden Twin-spot - Chrysodeixis chalcites*
- 243273.003 Ni Moth - Trichoplusia ni
- 243373.004 Slender Burnished Brass - Thysanoplusia orichalcea
- 243473.012 Burnished Brass - Diachrysia chrysitis f. juncta
- 243473.012 Burnished Brass - Diachrysia chrysitis f. aurea
- 243673.010 Dewick's Plusia - Macdunnoughia confusa
- 243973.022 Gold Spot - Plusia festucae
- 244173.015 Silver Y - Autographa gamma
- 244273.016 Beautiful Golden Y - Autographa pulchrina
- 244473.018 Gold Spangle - Autographa bractea
- 244973.002 Dark Spectacle - Abrostola triplasia
- 245073.001 Spectacle - Abrostola tripartita
- 245172.06 Clifden Nonpareil - Catocala fraxini
- 245272.078 Red Underwing - Catocala nupta
- 245472.082 Light Crimson Underwing - Catocala promissa*
- 246072.087 Passenger - Dysgonia algira
- 246272.084 Mother Shipton - Euclidia mi
- 246372.083 Burnet Companion - Euclidia glyphica
- 246573.031 Four-spotted - Tyta luctuosa
- 246672.063 Blackneck - Lygephila pastinum
- 246972.001 Herald - Scoliopteryx libatrix
- 247072.067 Small Purple-barred - Phytometra viridaria*
- 247372.069 Beautiful Hook-tip - Laspeyria flexula
- 247472.002 Straw Dot - Rivula sericealis
- 247772.003 Snout - Hypena proboscidalis
- 247872.006 Bloxworth Snout - Hypena obsitalis
- 248472.061 Pinion-streaked Snout - Schrankia costaestrigalis*
- 248572.060 Marsh Oblique-barred - Hypenodes humidalis*
- 2488a72.057 Plumed Fan-foot - Pechipogo plumigeralis
- 248972.053 Fan-foot - Herminia tarsipennalis
- 249272.055 Small Fan-foot - Herminia grisealis
- 11 Oiketicoides febretta
- 12 Neurothaumasia ankerella
- 12 Reisserita chrysopterella
- 12 Crassicornella agenjoi
- 27 Symmocoides oxybiella
- 27 Apatema impunctella
- 27 Stibaromacha ratella
- 32 Agonopterix rutana
- 34 Pyroderces wolschrijni
- 35 Isophrictis lineatellus
- 35 Mirificarma eburnella
- 37 Coleophora strigosella
- 41 Blastobasis sardinica
- 45 Agdistis adactyla
- 49 Clepsis siciliana
- 49 Phalonidia contractana
- 49 Epinotia thapsiana
- 62 Lamoria anella (Female)
- 62 Lamoria anella (Male)
- 62 Episcythrastis tetricella
- 62 Oxybia transversella
- 62 Acrobasis obliqua
- 62 Pempeliella sororiella
- 62 Merulempista ragonoti
- 62 Bradyrrhoa cantenerella
- 62 Phycitodes inquinatella
- 62 Bostra obsoletalis
- 62 Stemmatophora brunnealis
- 62 Stemmatophora brunnealis
- 63 Dolicharthria bruguieralis
- 70 Idaea distinctaria
- 70 Idaea litigiosaria
- 70 Idaea longaria
- 70 Idaea ostrinaria
- 70 Scopula minorata
- 70 Idaea alyssumata
- 70 Eupithecia gratiosata
- 70 Charissa mucidaria
- 70 Itame vincularia
- 70 Menophra japygiaria
- 70 Rhoptria asperaria
- 72 Catocala mariana
- 72 Green Drab - Ophiusa tirhaca
- 72 Metachrostis velox
- 72 Zebeeba falsalis
- 72 Lymantria atlantica
- 72 Eilema uniola
- 72 Eilema palliatella
- 72 Nodaria nodosalis
- 73 Condica viscosa
- 73 Hecatera weissi
- 73 Mythimna sicula