Partial cloud and damp in the evening.
- Species
- 11
- Trap
- Gemlight, Walk - Mill Hill
- Location
- Sussex
- Day Count
- 11
- Micro Total
- 6
- Macro Total
- 5
- Min Temp
- 10.1 °C
- Max Temp
- 11.4 °C
- Wind Speed
- 0-2 mph
- Wind Direction
- NE
- Moon Phase
064828.009 | White-shouldered House Moth - Endrosis sarcitrella | 1 |
065628.024 | Australian Orange-tip - Tachystola acroxantha | 1 |
129363.080 | Garden Grass-moth - Chrysoteuchia culmella | 1 |
193770.258 | Willow Beauty - Peribatodes rhomboidaria | 1 |
208973.317 | Heart and Dart - Agrotis exclamationis | 1 |
214773.273 | Shears - Hada plebeja | 1 |
238973.095 | Pale Mottled Willow - Caradrina clavipalpis | 1 |
Walk - Mill Hill
095449.111 | Dark-barred Straw - Eupoecilia angustana* | 1 |
1200b49.267 | Tawny Knapweed Tortrix - Eucosma fulvana* | 1 |
121949.345 | Slender Rufous Tortrix - Lathronympha strigana* | 1 |
174270.059 | Yellow Shell - Camptogramma bilineata | 1 |