Cloudy and damp.
- Species
- 16
- Trap
- Gemlight
- Location
- Sussex
- Day Count
- 18
- Micro Total
- 11
- Macro Total
- 7
- Min Temp
- 15.9 °C
- Max Temp
- 16.9 °C
- Wind Speed
- 0-5 mph
- Wind Direction
- Moon Phase
065628.024 | Australian Orange-tip - Tachystola acroxantha | 1 |
099849.039 | Light Brown Apple Moth - Epiphyas postvittana | 1 |
106349.161 | Barred Marble - Celypha striana | 1 |
126149.338 | Codling Moth - Cydia pomonella | 1 |
128844.001 | Many-plume Moth - Alucita hexadactyla | 1 |
142462.077 | Rosy Tabby - Endotricha flammealis* | 1 |
1428f62.001 | Bee Moth - Aphomia sociella (Female)* | 1 |
147462.065 | Blushed Knot-horn - Ephestia woodiella* | 2 |
149745.010 | Beautiful Plume - Amblyptilia acanthadactyla | 1 |
152445.044 | Common Plume - Emmelina mondactyla | 1 |
172870.049 | Garden Carpet - Xanthorhoe fluctuata | 1 |
186270.141 | Double-striped Pug - Gymnoscelis rufifasciata | 1 |
198169.003 | Poplar Hawk-moth - Laothoe populi (Male) | 1 |
206172.019 | Buff Ermine - Spilosoma luteum (Male) | 2 |
208973.317 | Heart and Dart - Agrotis exclamationis | 1 |
238973.095 | Pale Mottled Willow - Caradrina clavipalpis | 1 |