Cloudy with gusty wind.
- Species
- 16
- Trap
- 160w MV
- Location
- Sussex
- Day Count
- 31
- Micro Total
- 2
- Macro Total
- 29
- Min Temp
- 14.6 °C
- Max Temp
- 20.3 °C
- Wind Speed
- 3-10 mph
- Wind Direction
- NE
- Moon Phase
160w MV
099849.039 | Light Brown Apple Moth - Epiphyas postvittana | 1 |
129363.080 | Garden Grass-moth - Chrysoteuchia culmella | 1 |
170770.008 | Small Dusty Wave - Idaea seriata* | 1 |
172870.049 | Garden Carpet - Xanthorhoe fluctuata | 2 |
182570.173 | Lime-speck Pug - Eupithecia centaureata | 1 |
182770.176 | Freyer’s Pug - Eupithecia intricata arceuthata | 1 |
186070.144 | Green Pug - Pasiphila rectangulata | 1 |
204372.049 | Orange Footman - Eilema sororcula | 1 |
208973.317 | Heart and Dart - Agrotis exclamationis | 12 |
210773.342 | Large Yellow Underwing - Noctua pronuba | 2 |
212373.334 | Small Square-spot - Diarsia rubi | 1 |
216073.267 | Bright-line Brown-eye - Lacanobia oleracea | 1 |
2337x73.173x | Marbled Minor agg. - Oligia strigilis agg. | 2 |
238073.101 | Treble Lines - Charanyca trigrammica* | 1 |
238973.095 | Pale Mottled Willow - Caradrina clavipalpis | 1 |
244173.015 | Silver Y - Autographa gamma | 2 |