Cloudy with rain overnight.
- Species
- 11
- Trap
- 160w MV
- Location
- Sussex
- Day Count
- 47
- Micro Total
- 4
- Macro Total
- 43
- Min Temp
- 14.8 °C
- Max Temp
- 15.1 °C
- Wind Speed
- 6-14 mph
- Wind Direction
- SW
- Moon Phase
160w MV
001703.002 | Common Swift - Korscheltellus lupulina | 1 |
046418.001 | Diamond-back Moth - Plutella xylostella | 2 |
139263.037 | Garden Pearl - Udea olivalis | 1 |
141762.072 | Meal Moth - Pyralis farinalis | 1 |
199169.016 | Elephant Hawk-moth - Deilephila elpenor | 2 |
208873.320 | Heart and Club - Agrotis clavis | 2 |
208973.317 | Heart and Dart - Agrotis exclamationis | 32 |
210773.342 | Large Yellow Underwing - Noctua pronuba | 2 |
216073.267 | Bright-line Brown-eye - Lacanobia oleracea | 2 |
238173.096 | Uncertain - Hoplodrina octogenaria* | 1 |
238973.095 | Pale Mottled Willow - Caradrina clavipalpis | 1 |