Cloudy in the evening, clearing by morning.
- Species
- 15
- Trap
- 60w A, Walk
- Location
- Sussex
- Day Count
- 24
- Micro Total
- 10
- Macro Total
- 14
- Min Temp
- 12.8 °C
- Max Temp
- 17.6 °C
- Wind Speed
- 0-5 mph
- Wind Direction
- N
- Moon Phase
60w A
064728.010 | Brown House-moth - Hofmannophila pseudospretella | 2 |
065628.024 | Australian Orange-tip - Tachystola acroxantha | 4 |
099849.039 | Light Brown Apple Moth - Epiphyas postvittana | 2 |
172870.049 | Garden Carpet - Xanthorhoe fluctuata | 1 |
186270.141 | Double-striped Pug - Gymnoscelis rufifasciata | 3 |
190670.226 | Brimstone Moth - Opisthograptis luteolata | 3 |
193670.257 | Waved Umber - Menophra abruptaria | 1 |
208973.317 | Heart and Dart - Agrotis exclamationis | 1 |
210773.342 | Large Yellow Underwing - Noctua pronuba | 1 |
216073.267 | Bright-line Brown-eye - Lacanobia oleracea | 1 |
093749.109 | Garden Straw - Agapeta hamana | 1 |
136663.009 | Wavy-barred Sable - Pyrausta nigrata* | 1 |
186870.193 | Lesser Treble-bar - Aplocera efformata* | 1 |
2063f72.022 | Muslin Moth - Diaphora mendica (Female) | 1 |
206972.031 | Cinnabar - Tyria jacobaeae | 1 |