Archive for: February 2018

  1. A plastic Sparrow Hawk installed on a fence post

    Let Battle Commence

    by Marek

    The struggle to record moths while the sparrows had young had become somewhat a war of attrition....

  2. A Eurasian House Sparrow resting on a fence


    by Marek

    My first encounter with the General was rather an innocuous affair although a little surprising a...

  3. Display case from the Victorian era of moths that had been sighted and pinned to the display

    Dissection Dilemma

    by Marek

    Now that the Moth House was fully operational the recording process had become quicker and slicke...

  4. A six-spot burnet resting on a tall stalk of a plant

    Photography Introduction

    by Marek

    Back in 2011 my knowledge of photography could have been written on a postage stamp and, like man...