Know Your Moths

With around 2500 species of moth in the UK alone, when it comes to recording moths, it's important to have a good understanding of their behavior and identification. Moths come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, and each species has its own unique characteristics and habits. It was important to familiarize ourselves with the different types of moths in our area, as well as their preferred habitats, food sources, and behaviors. This involved using field guides, online resources, and talking to other enthusiasts to learn as much as we can about these fascinating insects. By knowing your moths, you'll be able to accurately identify and document your findings, as well as understand more about their behavior and ecology in the field. Whether you're a seasoned moth enthusiast or just starting out, taking the time to learn about these insects will help you get the most out of your recording experiences.

  1. Face fronting photo of a Caddis Fly


    by Marek

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  2. Cartoonish Sherlock Holmes-esque character holding a magnifying glass, with insects surrounding them


    by Marek

    When Marek first began moth trapping, as I was still working, my main role was recording his catc...

  3. Striped hawk moth resting on a persons thumb

    Handling Moths

    by Marek

    Although this post is titled Handling Moths it is not the subject of the photo attached of a Stri...

  4. A crate with a meshed lid, filled with egg cartons

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    by Marek

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  5. Eyed Hawk Moth

    Staying Alive

    by Marek

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