Return to the Burren (2023)
by Marek
This trip, having now completed our mission of recording the Burren Green, was to be more of a ho...
While the primary focus of our moth recording website may be in Sussex, UK, the team behind it has also traveled to other locations in the UK and Europe to document and record different species of moths. These trips offer an exciting opportunity to see new species and to expand the scope of their recordings. By exploring different habitats, climates, and ecosystems, the team can gain a deeper understanding of the diversity of moths and the environmental factors that affect their populations. Whether you're in Sussex, UK or exploring new locations, there are always new species to discover and new experiences to be had in the world of moth recording. So why limit yourself to one location when there's a world of opportunities out there waiting to be explored?
This trip, having now completed our mission of recording the Burren Green, was to be more of a ho...
Things are always a bit quiet on the ‘mothing’ front at this time of the ...
Normally our mothing trips around the UK and Europe are planned affairs...
Why not read up about our fourth visit to the Burren on our adventures to find new speicies of mo...
Our third trip to the Burren planned for two weeks later than our previous one, to keep in line w...
We had been looking forward to our second visit to Portugal not only to see friends again but eve...
When we began planning our second trip to Ireland we were hoping to return to the same cottage as...
It’s seems rather strange having just returned from our third trip to the Burren to be writing a...
Yet another butterfly in decline is the Silver-studded Blue which is now mainly restricted to are...
Following our successful trip to Lulworth in search of the Lulworth Skipper we decided to organis...