
The development of a bespoke website for recording and viewing images of moths was a crucial step in presenting the recorded species to the public. With its user-friendly interface and intuitive design, the website makes it easy for anyone to explore and discover the fascinating world of moths. From detailed species profiles and distribution maps, to images and information about their behavior and habitat, the website is a one-stop-shop for all things moths. With its comprehensive data and user-friendly design, the website has become an indispensable resource for moth enthusiasts and professionals alike. Whether you're a seasoned lepidopterist, a beginner naturalist, or simply curious about moths, this website has something to offer.

  1. Basic HTML for an empty webpage

    Website Introduction

    by Marek

    As mentioned in the previous post I was kindly volunteered to write the next step, about how the...

  2. Comparison of the Mothography system, and the first websites layout


    by Marek

    My approach to documenting my records was at first quite straightforward adopting the same princi...