Archive for: April 2018

  1. Chequered Skipper in the petals of a purple tubular flower

    Chequered Skipper

    by Marek

    Following our successful trip to Lulworth in search of the Lulworth Skipper we decided to organis...

  2. Comparison of the Mothography system, and the first websites layout


    by Marek

    My approach to documenting my records was at first quite straightforward adopting the same princi...

  3. The underside of a moth taken via resting it on glass screen


    by Marek

    A tale to tell It doesn’t take long to realise that...

  4. Top down view of a moth, casting a long shadow


    by Marek

    It was from the onset of my decision to pictorially record moths that it would be carried out on...